Analytics overview
  • 12 Jul 2021
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Analytics overview

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Article summary

Our analytics dashboard allows reporting on when, where and how content was accessed.

This section covers our modern Analytics Dashboard. See this article for what changed from our legacy Usage Reports.

Access analytics uses server logs to track all types of access - in our web player, with dedicated apps or via third-party syndicators - any access to hosted audio content on our platform.

The aim for analytics is to represent the real human audience consuming content, so some types of access access is excluded from our analytics dashboard:

  • Bots and crawlers. We filter out any access from search engine crawlers or other automated tools that does not represent a human listening. We ignore engines that identifies themselves as bots and use third-party libraries to identify others that do not.
  • Listening time less than a minute. In order to understand who is really listening to your content, and to represent this audience fairly to advertisers and other stakeholders, our analytics filter out any access that did not consume at least 1 minute of audio. (An exception to this rule is podcast episodes shorter than 1 minute - we track these if fully consumed)

Compliance and standards

Our analytics processing pipeline implements all the rules defined by the IAB Techlab recommendations for measuring podcast and stream audiences.

  1. Key Metrics lists all the standards based metrics, like CUME, "Session Starts", "Active Sessions", "Total Listening Hours" exposed by our platform and what they mean.
  2. Measuring Users explains how "unique users" are measured.
  3. Measuring Sessions dives into how sessions are measured.