RSS namespace
  • 03 May 2021
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

The page defines the "ionofm" RSS namespace used to insert additional metadata into our RSS feeds

Namespace declaration:


Namespace elements

Note that all the elements in this namespace is optional, and that any (or all) of them may be omitted from a response.

Image thumbnails

<ionofm:thumbnail href="">

The thumbnail element provides a link to a small thumbnail of the related image. This applies to both the RSS <channel> element and it's child <item> elements. It's href attribute must contain a URL pointing to a 256x256 PNG image.

Cover Art

<ionofm:coverart href="">

The coverart element provides a link to the art banner if set for content. This applies to both the RSS <channel> element and it's child <item> elements. It's href attribute must contain a URL pointing to a 1500x500 PNG image.

Object live-stream


The stream element provides links to any live-streams associated with a provider or a channel. It is valid within the RSS <channel> element or within <item> elements.

Child elements of this field is the list of available live-stream formats. Currently supported are:

  • streamname : the name of the live stream, to be used for retrieving other stream related metadata.
  • hls-aac : HLS stream containing AAC encoded audio.
  • ice-mp3 : Icecast stream containing MP3 encoded audio.
  • ice-aac : Icecast stream containing AAC encoded audio.

Each format element can specify up to 3 URL's for the low, medium and high quality version of the stream.

Not all streams support all quality levels! For example, "Community" stream packages only support 2 quality levels.


             <ionofm:low src=""/>
             <ionofm:medium src=""/>
             <ionofm:high src=""/>
              <ionofm:low src=""/>
              <ionofm:medium src=""/>
              <ionofm:high src=""/>
             <ionofm:low src=""/>
             <ionofm:medium src=""/>
             <ionofm:high src=""/>

Show end-time

<ionofm:endDate>Sun, 19 May 2002 15:21:00 GMT</ionofm:endDate>

This is related to the duration of an item and is used for mainly in the Stream metadata RSS to indicate the running time of upcoming items. This complies to the same RFC 822 value that is used for the standard RSS <pubDate> field.

Web player location


Optional field that provides a link to a web player instance for this object. Can apply to both the main channel object and any item objects in the feed. The link will point to an iframe web player capable of playing the object in question.

Currently playing metadata


This is an optional field that is populated when the stream has currently playing metadata associated with it.