  • 03 May 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

The mobile application allows users to:

  • Listen to the live stream of a radio station or audio publisher
  • Listen to podcasts by the radio station or audio publisher
  • Follow a news feed of the publisher
  • Contact the publisher
  • Select an audio quality level to suit their needs
  • Select a display language

Note that not all publishers support all content. Some may not have a live-stream, podcasts or news feed available.

Live stream

The live stream is simple to use and users can simply play or stop the stream. Where available the live-stream page may show the upcoming program schedule.


All the publisher's podcast channels are listed, allowing users to browse through all published episodes and listen to any.

Details about each podcast channel and episode is available.

News feed

If provided the application will shows news items from the station. Clicking on an item will open the article in the system browser.


The contact pages lists the website and telephone number of the publisher, and additionally the Facebook and Twitter details. Clicking on any of these should open them in the default browser, except the telephone number which can trigger an outgoing call.

Quality levels

Audio quality levels allow users to cater for slow or expensive connections by selecting low quality audio. Alternatively, users with fast connections and good speakers can listen to the high quality feed.

The quality setting is global and affects all current and future playback of the live-stream or podcasts.

Display language

Our player supports a few different languages, with additional options to become available.