Podcasting 2.0 support
  • 20 Aug 2024
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Podcasting 2.0 support

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Article summary

Our platform supports the Podcasting 2.0 namespace elements in our podcast feeds.

What is the Podcasting 2.0 namespace ?

It is a set of fields that can be included in RSS feeds to improve the richness of podcast syndication.

"Podasting 2.0 is a set of new features and standards that make podcasting better for everyone." - podcasting2.org

Supported tags

We support the most popular fields. Some fields apply to the podcast show (channel) itself, and other apply to episodes in the feed.

GUIDShowGlobally unique identifier for the podcast. Required for submission to PodcastIndex and other features like podrolls, Podping, OP3. Only inserted in the feed if the show is linked to PodcastIndex.
TranscriptEpisodeTimestamped transcription of episode audio. Supplied in VTT format, can be auto-generated by our platform, or publishers can upload their own transcripts in VTT or SRT format for an episode.
ChaptersEpisodeChapter markers for episodes. In addition to the Podcast 2 format, our feeds also include these as Podlove chapters for automatic Spotify support. Chapter markers are not inserted into the audio file itself.
PodrollShowPromote other podcasts. Can be any podcast that is listed on PodcastIndex. Can be managed per show, and is displayed to listeners on our website. Limited to 10 items.
LockedShowProvides permission to migrate a feed. Supported platforms will not import this feed while it is locked, preventing a show from being imported without consent.
PodpingShowIndicates if the podcast uses Podping. Podping can be enabled on the publisher level, but is only inserted in the feed if the show is linked to PodcastIndex.
Update FrequencyShowRelease schedule of episodes. Configured per show.
PersonEpisodeCredits for hosts and guests.
SeasonEpisodeSeason number of an episode.
EpisodeEpisodeEpisode number.
Alternate EnclosureEpisodeOffer additional bitrates to users. Enables listeners on supported apps to switch between our low, standard and high quality audio.

Whenever any of this data is available it will be inserted into the RSS feeds. For example, after adding a transcript to an episode, it will be included in the RSS feed.


Podping sends a message to participating apps whenever a new episode is published on a feed, reducing the time for it to become available to listeners and the need to constantly poll the feed.

Enable this in the publisher configuration.

Podping will only trigger on shows that are linked to PodcastIndex.

Submit to PodcastIndex

In order to leverage some Podcasting 2.0 features, a show has to be listed on PodcastIndex first.

See this article for details on Using PodcastIndex.