Migrate (import) an existing show
  • 28 May 2021
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Migrate (import) an existing show

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Article summary

To evaluate our podcast service or migrate an existing show to us, we can use the the RSS feed to import existing episodes into our platform.

When we import episodes via RSS feeds the number of episodes imported is limited to the "Total episode storage" limit of the package they are imported to. See our pricing page for the episode number limits.

Import a feed

To import a feed, our team will need:

  • The RSS URL where we can import from. This must be a valid RSS feed with audio files.
  • The podcast channel on our platform that you wish to import the feed into.

Please email our Support team to setup an import.

Maintaining the import

For syndication purposes we can continue importing from a remote RSS feed, but this is still subject to the package limits for "Monthly episodes" and "Total episode storage".

Publisherscan use the "Auto-Delete" feature on their channels to automatically keep below the "Total episode storage" limit, but monthly published episode may still not exceed the "Monthly episodes" limit.

Information imported

Our importer looks for standard RSS fields, but not all metadata may be imported from the remote feed.