Data subject request
  • 16 Jun 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Data subject request

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Article summary

As per our privacy policy, individuals can request access, updates or deletion of personal information we may store on them.

Platform user accounts

User accounts on our platform has a self-service functionality available to:

  • update all their own profile details,
  • download their account details using the "Export profile" functionality,
  • permanently delete their accounts using the "Delete profile" functionality.

To access these:

  1. Login to
  2. Visit you profile page at
  3. The update, export and delete functionality is visible as actions on this page.

Other data

If you think we hold personal information of you outside our platform, for example any support queries you may have sent to our Helpdesk, please contact us at to initiate a request against your information.