External mountpoint for broadcasting and syndication
  • 19 Dec 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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External mountpoint for broadcasting and syndication

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Article summary

Each iono.fm live stream provides an "external" mountpoint which provides access to the stream without any ad delivery.

This can be useful in various scenarios:

  • To access the stream for AM/FM transmission high-sites.
  • Partner studios syndicating a stream.
  • To access the stream on a third-party service for content analysis, archive storage or other processing.


The external mountpoint provides several benefits for these scenarios:

  • It does not perform any audio ad delivery.
  • It skips the edge network to reduce latency.
  • Usage analytics does not include access to this endpoint.

Audio source

It uses the audio received on the primary input mountpoint, but will fallback to the secondary mountpoint if primary is unavailable, and finally the file fallback mountpoint while neither primary or secondary is available.

This mointpoint allows a maximum of 10 concurrent listeners. It it not meant for distributing audio to end-users and should be used only for the scenarios listed above.

Our Ops team can provide access to the external URL and assistance with when and how to use it.