Archived content
  • 14 Jun 2023
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Archived content

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Article summary

Archived episodes are only visible to content administrators and cannot be viewed or played by normal users.

These episodes will never be displayed on our website, an RSS feed or an embedded player.


Embedded players that reference the archived content will no longer be able to display or play the referened content.

Using "Archive" functionality

Content administrators can use our "Archive" functionality to:

  • Upload content and only publish it later,
  • Reduce clutter for visitor by hiding older episodes.

While episodes are in an archived state, administrators can still manage the them in normal ways, including changing it's metadata or deleting it. Existing live episodes can be archived using the "Archive" button on the episode's edit view.

New episodes can be created directly to an archived state, preventing them from ever becoming visible to end-users. This allows uploading files for later publishing.

Archive channels (shows)

An entire channel can be archived at once. This will achive all episodes inside the channel and additionally make the channel invisible and inaccessible to normal users.

Important When a channel is archived it's RSS feeds will become inaccessible also, which will cause syndicators like Apple, Google, Spotify and other to stop updating this channel and automatically remove it from their library after some time.

Republish archived episodes

To make archived episodes available to end users again, use the "Publish" button on the episode's edit view. Publishing takes a few moments to complete as new output files are created from the episode's archived original.

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