Facebook sharing shows incorrect information
  • 03 May 2021
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Facebook sharing shows incorrect information

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Article summary

When inactive content is shared on Facebook, it will pick up whatever is on our front page instead of the shared page. This is also cached by Facebook, so that even sharing again after the content has been made active will still show the incorrect values.

To resolve this issue:

  • Ensure the content you are sharing is active on our platform and not "Archived".
  • Visit the Facebook Debugger page.
  • Enter the URL you are having problems with into the input box, for example an episode page at https://iono.fm/e/123, and press the "Debug" button.
  • It will display the cached data associated with that URL. To refresh it press the "Fetch new scrape information" button.
  • The page will reload with the newest information. Ensure this correctly reflects your content.

Following these steps the shared page will now display correctly.

Our website intentionally disables sharing controls on pages with inactive content, but publisher users can still manually share the URL on Facebook triggering this issue.

Other sharing services like Twitter and Google will automatically update after content is enabled, but may not do so instantly.