Publisher accounts
  • 15 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Publisher accounts

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Article summary

To use any of our B2B audio services a "Publisher account" is required.

Before creating a publisher account, users must first register a user profile on our website.


The user profile used to create the publisher account will become the default account owner. Account ownership can be transferred to a different user profile later via the Billing portal.

A publisher account serves as the billing entity for all commercial audio services:

  • Podcast hosting
  • Radio streaming
  • Mobile app
  • Audio recognition

New publisher accounts start with only a "Free" podcast package enabled. Customers can remain on the free package indefinitely by adhering to the "Free" podcast package requirements. Free accounts do not need to provide billing or payment details.

Products & services

We have a catalog of commercial services ("products") that customers can subscribe to with optional components available on some products. See the Product subscriptions article for details on how our products are structured.

Some services allow for a trial period before commencing commercial operation. See the Product trials article.

Payments & invoicing

To learn more about invoicing, supported payment options and currency support, see the Payments & invoicing article.

Billing portal

Account owners have access to a billing portal which can be used to upgrade to a paid podcast account, add additional features or request access to our other commercial products.

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On the publisher page, use the admin portal to access the Billing & Subscriptions functionality

For more details, see the Billing portal documentation.